Land Economist
A practitioner of property economy, the study of and administration of all land and property matters.
Land Tax
A tax payable annually in respect of the beneficial ownership of land, the rate of which is determined by the assessed valuation. Usually based on unimproved value of land.
A contract whereby possession and use of land or property is transferred for a limited period in return for rent and under certain specified conditions.
Leasehold Value
The value of the lessee’s interest. Where the rent paid is lower than the market rent, the capital value of the lessee’s interest is the Present Value of the profit rent for the unexpired lease term or until the next rent review.
Leasing Incentives
Inducements offered by landlords to attract tenants to lease space. Typically occurs when supply exceeds demand but in order to maintain value by not lowering face rent or contract rent, tenants are given incentives such as rent free periods, cars and other gifts. Often such inducements are secret. The discount or contribution offered to the lessee at the commencement of a lease which may be applied at the start, during, or at the end of the lease term and is outside the lease terms. The incentive may include cash contribution, a tenancy fit-out or a rent free period.
Lessee (Tenant)
A person/legal entity who receives the right to occupy and use a property under the terms of a lease.
Lessor (Landlord)
The owner of a property who transfers the right to occupy and use property to another by way of a lease agreement.
The ability of an investment to be easily converted into cash with little or no loss of capital and minimum delay.
Loan To Value Ratio
The ratio of the whole loan principal dollar amount divided by the property’s appraised value amount.
Local Government Act
Essentially governs the activities of local government and relevantly gives the councils power to require activity approvals (e.g. for erection or demolition of a building).
A characteristic of land referring to linkage and exposure relationships with other sites and their uses. (See Linkages and Exposure)
- A part (consisting of one or more pieces) of any land (except a road, a reserve or common property) shown on a plan, which can be disposed of separately. Includes a unit or accessory unit on a registered plan of strata subdivision and a lot or accessory lot on a registered cluster of Community Title Plan,
- An item for sale in an auction.