Posted on Tuesday, September 17th, 2019 in by Matt Garmony
The Licensed Valuers at Garmony Property Consultants undertake numerous pre-purchase and pre-sale valuations for a wide variety of property types. Purchasers, who are unsure of how much to offer on a property that is on the market ‘for sale’, often want an independent, unbiased and justified opinion on the market value. Sellers, who may have a unique property or have had had conflicting appraisals from local real estate agents, or are acting as an executive of an estate, often request us to provide pre-sale valuations for an independent, unbiased and justified opinion of the market value. A pre-purchase or pre-sale valuation assist our clients to make an informed decision on what is often one of their biggest financial assets.
Our pre-purchase and pre-sale valuation reports, include a legal, locational and physical description of the property, identifying any potential issues or flaws. Our licensed valuers include a detailed market commentary and comprehensive analysis of comparable sales along with commentary on how the sales compare to the subject property. The conclusion or general comments of our report provides reasoning and justification for the market value adopted by the licensed valuer. See our detailed valuation process information sheet. This enables the reader to have a detailed understanding of how and why the licensed valuer has arrived at the market value of the property. Pre-purchase or pre-sale valuations enables the client to then make an informed decision about the property being valued.
Our licensed valuers are all members of the Australian Property Institute (API) and abide by the API’s strict codes of conduct and codes of ethics.
If you would like further information on pre-purchase or pre-sale valuations, please contact one of our valuers or support staff for further information or a quote on 9474 2220 or at our contact us page. (click here)